Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sad But True

I hate it when I have to post negative stuff about my own country. Ah, the life of an honest blogger.

Ignorant, naive Canada still thinks it’s special

Posted by Joel Johannesen

Perhaps it’s because Canada is so used to living under the comfy warm blanket of America and their realistic level of defensive security protection and their willingness to defend not just themselves, but apparently most of the world including Canada. (Does the U.S. send Canada a multi-billion-dollar bill every year? It should.) Or maybe we’re just all drunk. Perhaps drunk on that yummy “progressive” blather and liberalism and its self-gratifying ignorance.
Yesterday I blogged about how a Canadian all-party Senate committee has exposed the fact that in many of the most important areas of national security, basically, little has changed in Canada since September 11 2001—or what you liberals (nearly all Canadians, including the Conservative Party) <------Can't say I agree with this-- call the start of “the so-called war on terror” thanks to the state-run media informing in truly blinkered anti-American fashion that that’s what it was, and the far-left Toronto Star hatefully and moronically calling it merely “George Bush’s war on terror”. (Some liberals in Canada glibly call it “the day that the Americans got what they deserved, yay,” and other such bromides, as we know.)
Today, more Canadian Senators have apparently come down off their 5-year Percodan or pot or Pouilly Fuissé -induced highs and admitted that since 9/11, our vast numbers of shipping containers coming from and going to all corners of the planet are still left fully exposed to terrorists without any safeguards to protect our citizens, cities, ports… our nation.
I have to wonder—it this on purpose? Because the politicians have to know that this is occurring. Should we begin treason hearings any time soon? I think maybe we should, and now. All political party leadership and their advisors since at least September 2001 but probably since the start of the military-dismantling Liberal government of Chretien —should be subpoenaed.
While state-run media and state-run child care and state-run health care all get jacked-up thanks to our federal government-reliance injection clinics (known as “our government") pumping into their veins their deadly elixir of taxpayer cash mixed with imbecilic liberalism and its sessile arrogant torpidity, political correctness, and callous indifference to anything outside of me, the very most basic national security needs of our nation are being largely ignored—we’re being given mere banal assertions of the need for “tighter security ...while respecting human rights above all else...”. They think you’re total morons.
A citizen or government that truly loves his country would put its security above all else—err on the side of excessive security if anything—protecting its borders and the safety of its citizens and cities above tendentious state-funded broadcasts of “Little Mosque On The Prairie” on the state-run media (as official state “information/entertainment"), or the state-employed “news” anchor Don Newman’s million-dollar copycat “The Spin Stops Here” advertisements in newspapers (which if you do tune in as instructed by your government, you find out that it’s “a so-called war on terror”). Or the cost of the state looking after our children for parents who choose not to. Or changing the definition of “family” and “parents” and “mom” and “dad” and “marriage”. Or paying for over 100,000 limitless free abortions per year. Or the deep morass of our North Korean-style healthcare system. Or sucking up to Quebec at any cost whatsoever on a now seemingly permanent, infinite basis.

Being a Canadian, this is hard to admit, but unfortunately it's too true.


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