Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Dirt on "Joe"

When the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services looked into "Joe the Plumber" because he was "thrust into the public spotlight," apparently the reasons "did not match the reason given by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services," according to Vanessa Niekamp, the person selected by the ODJFS and its director, Helen Jones-Kelley to rummage through his personal life.

That reason given by Jones-Kelley (an Obama supporter and a maximum $2,500 contributor to his campaign) allegedly wasn't the normal protocol that she says it was.
"I've never done that before, I don't know of anybody in my office who does that and I don't remember anyone ever doing that," said Niekamp.

Did Jones-Kelley's excuse for the invasion of privacy really come as a surprise to anyone?
Why would "Joe" be investigated for late child-support payments if he has only one child, a boy, that's living with him?
Furthermore, will all those people that Obama had on his 30-minute infomercial, that are now "thrust into the spotlight," be subjected to the same indignation and probing?
Nah, I didn't think so either.


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