Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is Sarkozy Softening?

When Nicholas Sarkozy was elected President of France, I knew going in that he was right of center and would most likely bring back a lot of the support, if not most of, the allegiance of the conservative-minded Americans that seemed to like the cut of his jib.

We were able to profess our love of french fries again, not "Freedom Fries." We no longer had to hide our disdain for french toast, it was cool again to call it what it was.

Now, it seems-I could be wrong, Sarcozy hasn't really let us down up until this point-that he is placating to the Russians. Appeasing them, if you will.
Oh, I know; he's just trying to keep the peace and not "offend" anyone. What's wrong with trying to release tensions and diminish the chances for international hostilities?
Well, nothing. I'm all for it. But, you can't show your hand to early and you most definitely can't show any weakness, or anything that can be construed as weakness, especially to the Russians.

This is not an avocation of war. It is an avocation of peace through strength.
We really all should know this by now.


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