Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama is the Man

President Barack Hussein Obama.
I can't believe it. That's not to say I'm in shock. After all, it's all we've heard about and had time to prepare for, for the last six months or so, but I really didn't think the American people would elect a guy with no experience, such radical associations and someone refuses to reveal his past, both professionally as well as personally.

Of course, let's be honest. He really wasn't elected president so much as he was anointed by the media. Is this sour grapes? You bet, but it doesn't make it any less true.
Not investigating his past like the attack dogs would have if he had been a Republican, like they did with Sarah Palin is nothing short of a disgrace.

But regardless, he is now the President-Elect, and at the moment of this writing is receiving intelligence reports from the White House in preparation of his transition to power.
Congratulations to him and his supporters. Now let's hope once and for all that this win by Obama will dispel the myth that America is racist country and indeed anyone can become president.
Obama said at his very impressive and wonderful acceptance speech that he wants to be everyones president, even those who "didn't earn his vote," and that he will gain their trust. Let's hope so. It was a speech full of grace and honor. He could very well have insulted President Bush and the Republican Party, but he didn't. Instead he honored America as the land of opportunity that it is and paid homage to the Founding Fathers dreams and ideals.

He has extended his hand, and this acceptance speech is a good start. I for one will give him the benefit of the doubt until he dishonors that pact. Sadly, I don't think it will take him long to do just that.
But, as of right now, he is the man. He will soon be the president and I will treat him as such.
By the way, the puppy comment was a nice touch.

I will support him when he's right and oppose him when he's wrong. I did the same for President Bush-at least during the last three years-up until he abandoned his conservative principles, both fiscally and socially.

I give Obama this credit because:
a) He is the next President of the United States and b) I refuse to sink to the level of the hate-filled left that derided, insulted, underestimated and misrepresented President Bush since day one, even after he extendedthe olive branch across the isle.

The President-Elect stated during his acceptence speech that "change has come to America." why would you change something you supposedly love is beyond me. Maybe an improvement is in order, but you only change what is bad. You don't change somethingyou claim to love.
In any case, Obama said he will bring together all Americans. People of all races, religion, sexual orientation and political ideology. I thought most of us were already brought together (regardless of the media fear-mongering and hype) but I guess it took the mighty Obama to really pull everyone together as one. It's going to be assured he says.

What also will be assured, accordinng to past election promises:

-unrestricted abortions, nation-wide, paid for by your tax dollars-even if you're against abortion-you're going to be paying for it.

-And with that, any baby that survives a botched abortion will still be sentenced to death (and any doctor or nurse that refuses to do so will lose his or her job) due to Obama's commitment against the "Born Alive Infant Protection Act."

-The abandonment of Israel.

-The handlingof kid-gloves, if not the downright apeasement of rogue nations and terrorist sponsor states such as Iran, Syria, venezuela, Russia and Cuba, among others. On this note, watch Vladimir Putin chew up Obama and spit him out a la Khrushchev/Kennedy.

-With Obama's promise to raise taxes on most small businesses-his promise of a tax cut for 95% of Americans is faulty at best and complete incompetence at worst, since approximately 35-40% of Americans don't pay taxes- so figure it out if you can. With this unemployment will rise as low as 10% and as high as 12% according to most economists. With his plan of "universal" healthcare, not only is there a definite possibility of a big chunk of the national treasury going away, but also a national financial depression, if you compound that with his promise of raising taxes in an ecomonic downturn.

-The regulation, if not absolute abolishment of conservative talk-radio due to the inevitable implementation of the "fairness doctrine."

-Forced taxation in the form of slavery reparations.

-Millions of wasted dollars on "global warming" initiatives.

-An untethered far-left liberal agenda-although not with a filibuster-proof congress.

-legalized gay marriages across the board.

-Terrorist attacks probably within the first six months of his administration to "test" his leadership and fortitude.

But with all that being said, hopefully President-Elect Obama will learn from the mistake of President Clinton and govern from the center. if you remember, Clinton tried to govern from the left and it cost him the majority of Congress.
So I will repeat what I have said in another post-as the late, great John Wayne said at Jimmy Carter's inauguration: I may be a part of the opposition, but I'm part of the loyal opposition.

Obama is soon to be the President of the United States, therefore he's my guy...for now.
So in closing, may I say congratulations to Barack Obama and his supporters for being the first black president.
And you may not believe this coming from me, but I sincerely mean this:
May God bless and protect the new president and may He guide him in his leadership and wisdom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he'll be more center than you expect.
PLEASE give him some time.

8:33 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

I do believe I said, in a round-a-bout way that I would give him time. I just don't think it will long for him to stoke my fire, that's all.

By the way, to anybody reading this, sorry about the incomplete paragraphs at the end of this post. Somehow it got cut off when I published it. If you want to read the rest of what I intended to publish, please do so. It's been doing that a lot lately.

1:35 pm  
Blogger road warrior said...

Yea, we kinda new it was coming didn't we? The liberal illuminati did such a great job of campaigning that this has been a sure deal for awhile. The real story is going to be what happens next.

12:17 am  

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