Saturday, November 29, 2008

She Still Leads

Go Sarah Go.

I love the fact that my continued support and posting about Gov. Sarah Palin bothers so many lefties out there. I must be doing something right.

Just wait how out of shape you guys will be when she makes her (almost) guaranteed triumphant return.

By the way, Listen to Rush...Democrats DO fear her. Otherwise, why the attacks so much, so soon?

Rush Limbaugh
“I think her effectiveness is making her a target”

Okay, I want you to listen very carefully to this. It’s a long answer that I’m going to try to make very brief. In the first place, when you say “Why don’t Republicans like her?” there’s a whole bunch of different kinds of Republicans now. Like there’s you and me, and we’re conservative Republicans. But we also have to deal with liberal and moderate or Rockefeller Republicans in our party. So the party has lost its primary identity: strong national defense, tax cuts, smaller government. It’s lost its identity. It doesn’t believe smaller government is possible. The Republican Party has too many people who want the government to grow. Just spend the money on different groups of people in different ways in order to get votes. It’s called liberalism lite. They’re calling it redefine conservatism. Sarah Palin makes them nervous because of precisely what you cited. She inspired and revved up a Republican Party. But there are people in the Republican Party who don’t want it to stand for the things that she stands for. I think her effectiveness is making her a target.
The Drive-By Media and the Democrat Party are also not fond of her, and they’re doing everything they can to make her appear to be the face of the Republican Party, because they think most of the country despises her, too, based on exit polls. You know, Barbara Walters in the interview I did with her last week asked, “You like Palin?”

I said, “I absolutely do.” I said, “I think she was great.” I said, “Why don’t you like her?”

“She was uninformed,” Barbara Walters said, and a light went off in my head, because there is the template. The one interview she did with Katie Couric and they’ve all decided she’s an idiot and she’s uninformed. They do not know that there were people in the McCain campaign trying to sabotage her and that she was under tight controls, and she finally wanted to bust out and be who she is. Those of us that pay attention saw enough of who she is to realize that she is incredibly valuable to the conservative cause and the Republican Party going forward. But to those that don’t like her it’s simply because of that, Tim, she’s effective and she threatens the old boy network. It’s not a gender thing. She threatens the old boy network, but I’m telling you this is a fundamental thing to understand.

Look, I'm not a huge fan of Rush Limbaugh. Even I'll agree that most times he can be a windbag. I listen to Michael Medved at that time. But you'll have to agree that Rush has been right on the money with most issues, like it or not.

He certainly is on this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's a Weapon Of Mass Distraction for a Republican Party that suffered with the Old Boys Club syndrome one election too long.

Her value will continue to be a distraction until the Party preps the REAL candidate.

9:45 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way.... We DO fear her.... or, more precisely, the Party that would put her as their best candidate for leadership.

2:33 pm  
Blogger Adrienne said...

I totally agree with you, N.E.- great post! I think you summed up the situation perfectly. :) I also don't always agree with Rush or how he presents himself, but I definitely do agree with him on this issue.

1:00 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Thanks, Adrienne. Hey tell me, since I can be a real 'tard at times, I want to add you to my blogroll, but I can't seem to do it. HELP!
How did I do those other ones? No clue, they were part of a established blogroll that I signed onto.

1:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why is it the same people that support Obama aren't too worried about experience, or divisiveness or past associations? Add to that any of the stuff that they're typically projecting their fear and hate on Palin with.

Seriously, explain this to me.
I mean I don't know what's scarier, having Joe Biden as V.P and a heartbeat away from the presidency or that the country is filled with people that voted for him.

Again, just consider if Obama or Biden had an (R) after their names; how long would it have taken you or the media to destroy them?

I would give almost anything to cure you guys from that brain-haze that is Liberalism.
An obvious symptom of which is clearly double-standards.

5:08 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Actually Anonymous, Joe has denounced the MSM on more than one occaision. As for the other stuff...yeah, Joe, what he/she/said!

6:02 am  
Blogger Adrienne said...

N.E. thank you for wanting to add me to your blogroll. :) I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do it either. I'm sorry I'm not any help. Since I'm new to blogging I'm still figuring it out. But thanks!

10:30 am  

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