Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's First Decree

The first step in closing down Guantanamo. Who cares now. The scum inside already have ha bias corpus, so keeping them out of the continental U.S. serves no purpose other than to placate to the left and show us all what recidivism really looks like.
But really, no surprise-other than the timing. I didn't think this would be his first act as President. Oh well, I guess it's a trivia question now.

But seriously, where are they going to put these guys? In Sing-Sing? Fulton County? John Murtha said he'd take them. Only the prison in his "district" is minimum security. But if it's in someone else's district, that' fine.

They just don't get it.

Hey, I know, what about Alcatraz? It's dirty enough for the heathens. It's confined. It's a little off the mainland. And really, where are they gonna go?

Problem solved.

Oh wait, Blinky Pelosi doesn't want them in her backyard either. Neither does anyone in Europe. Talk about having no exit plan.
Darn. I thought I had it solved for a second there.


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