Monday, February 09, 2009

I Want to Marry Charles Krauthammer

Much like Michael Medved, Charles Krauthammer of and FOX News fame, wins arguments with facts. Historical facts. Facts that even presidents can't re-write or misuse to his advantage when trying to sound magnanimous in cow-towing to the Muslim world and the ignorant, liberals that believe America is the root of all evil (which they make no attempt to leave) that blindly support him.

A recent Krauthammer article destroys the myth that there has been no sacrifice by American soldiers to free Muslims from totalitarianism and oppression. How about Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, or Kuwait? Or the the never-moving, always astronomically high "Iraqi civilian death toll," that has perpetually been at 600,000. Sorry not even close, never has been. New information says it sits at about 50,000. Does that make it better that American soldiers "only killed" 550,000 less than what all the whacky-lefties lied on their blogs all these years for? Yes. Because quite simply, two-thirds of those people weren't killed by Americans and their bombs, as the truth bares out, they were killed by "fellow" Muslims. Terrorists that will stop at nothing to spread their hate. Even killing their own people, and they have, millions of them. America has stopped that and freed millions more from tyranny.

WASHINGTON -- Every new president flatters himself that he, kinder and gentler, is beginning the world anew. Yet, when Barack Obama in his inaugural address reached out to Muslims with "to the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect," his formulation was needlessly defensive and apologetic.
Is it "new" to acknowledge Muslim interests and show respect to the Muslim world? Obama doesn't just think so, he said so again to millions in his al-Arabiya interview, insisting on the need to "restore" the "same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago."

Astonishing. In these most recent 20 years -- the alleged winter of our disrespect of the Islamic world -- America did not just respect Muslims, it bled for them. It engaged in five military campaigns, every one of which involved -- and resulted in -- the liberation of a Muslim people: Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq.

The two Balkan interventions -- as well as the failed 1992-93 Somali intervention to feed starving African Muslims (43 Americans were killed) -- were humanitarian exercises of the highest order, there being no significant U.S. strategic interest at stake. In these 20 years, this nation has done more for suffering and oppressed Muslims than any nation, Muslim or non-Muslim, anywhere on earth. Why are we apologizing?

And what of that happy U.S.-Muslim relationship that Obama imagines existed "as recently as 20 or 30 years ago" that he has now come to restore? Thirty years ago, 1979, saw the greatest U.S.-Muslim rupture in our 233-year history: Iran's radical Islamic revolution, the seizure of the U.S. embassy, the 14 months of America held hostage.

Which came just a few years after the Arab oil embargo that sent the United States into a long and punishing recession. Which, in turn, was preceded by the kidnapping and cold-blooded execution by Arab terrorists of the U.S. ambassador in Sudan and his charge d'affaires.

This is to say nothing of the Marine barracks massacre of 1983, and the innumerable attacks on U.S. embassies and installations around the world during what Obama now characterizes as the halcyon days of U.S.-Islamic relations.

Look. If Barack Obama wants to say, as he said to al-Arabiya, I have Muslim roots, Muslim family members, have lived in a Muslim country -- implying a special affinity that uniquely positions him to establish good relations -- that's fine. But it is both false and deeply injurious to this country to draw a historical line dividing America under Obama from a benighted past when Islam was supposedly disrespected and demonized.

As in Obama's grand admonition: "We cannot paint with a broad brush a faith as a consequence of the violence that is done in that faith's name." Have "we" been doing that, smearing Islam because of a small minority? George Bush went to the Islamic Center in Washington six days after 9/11, when the fires of Ground Zero were still smoldering, to declare "Islam is peace," to extend fellowship and friendship to Muslims, to insist that Americans treat them with respect and generosity of spirit.

And America listened. In these seven years since 9/11 -- seven years during which thousands of Muslims rioted all over the world (resulting in the death of more than 100) to avenge a bunch of cartoons -- there's not been a single anti-Muslim riot in the United States to avenge the greatest massacre in U.S. history. On the contrary. In its aftermath, we elected our first Muslim member of Congress and our first president of Muslim parentage.

"My job," says Obama, "is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives." That's his job? Do the American people think otherwise? Does he think he is bravely breaking new ground? George Bush, Condoleezza Rice and countless other leaders offered myriad expressions of that same universalist sentiment.

Every president has the right to portray himself as ushering in a new era of this or that. Obama wants to pursue new ties with Muslim nations, drawing on his own identity and associations. Good. But when his self-inflation as redeemer of U.S.-Muslim relations leads him to suggest that pre-Obama America was disrespectful or insensitive or uncaring of Muslims, he is engaging not just in fiction but in gratuitous disparagement of the country he is now privileged to lead.

How could that have been said better? I love this man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you lump "liberals" into a group and label them all ignorant, you cheapen and weaken any arguments that follow. If the point in writing is to convince people that our foreign policy is too conciliatory or weak, you make it more difficult when you insult those that you might otherwise persuade.

When you suggest that all liberals leave the US, that suggests that our country would be better off if only a single political view or party is acceptable. Please don't forget that most of America's enemies throughout the cold war allowed only one party rule.

Your arguments and positions should be strong enough without needless insults to those with whom you disagree. That tactic is just as bad as when some democrats make ridiculous statements that all GOP backers are very rich white guys that only think about themselves.

5:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In hopes that Charles K. reads this blog I want to provide him with an additional piece of Historical fact. Another article on the CNN site relating to women donning Muslim wear and traveling about the country said they are in Arab, AL. The name is actually an error and has nothing to do with Arabs. The founding father of Arab named the town after his son "Arad" and submitted the name to the State. They misspelled the name and no attempt was ever made to correct it. So Muslims or people portraying themselves as Muslims are arriving in Arab (Pronounced AY-Rab) in error and would be better served by traveling to Detroit or some other city that has some Muslim relationship and not just a misspelled word.

6:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 4 years, hopefully the country will have come to its collective senses and boot this phony and his collection of re-hashed phonies (change? what change? Clinton? Dashle? Bueller? Bueller?) out the door. Is it too early to have a recall???

6:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This country is the worst of evils. Yet nobody, first of all Muslims who live here march back home, not even if the messiah made the request. Oh ! America how many crimes are committed against your greatness, for those that cannot better in their own lands. Everything is based on abuse and Hypocresy.

7:21 pm  
Blogger Carenuf said...

It was inspiring to read this. If I were to offer my support as a Liberal, and a concerned disenfranchised Canadian interacting with evolving faiths and truths daily in my community, that there are many innocent victims of hatreds, yet the respect and understanding of truth, based on a commitment to learn by anyone wishing to value his fellow man as himself, and deal honestly with current living dogma as exhibited by debate concerning Christian Law with Islamic practice which conflicts with the teachings of Christ. Islam must show equality in the following areas: Respect for all cultures whose faith is based on ancient testament, and has stood the test of time. It is incumbent upon all of us as people who love God, and love others as we do ourselves, that valuation of each individual at what I would term, information age elavation of honesty, and truth as to the fragility, and the need to investigate the avenues of truth that establish a human fraternity of Believers. There are only two kinds of people now, and they are believers, and non believers. Information witnesses the living information which gives a light of hope based on dignity of the individual, women, children, and gracious men. If a man looks at a woman as an equally loved soul, by God, she has no need of a headscarf to hide her beauty from any man who is literate enough to appreciate the value of your immortal soul. It is incumbent upon we as the generation of multi-cultural synergies to shine a light of truth on what truly is valuable, and how we can identify the true needs of people based on the equal application of education, and technology to first inform and educate so many. War will only be defeated when those who hate are exposed to truth, and the love of God is witnessed by excellent discourse such as evoked in the article. My thanks to both the author and the poster. I am very thankful to be your neighbour, and I will always be thankful for America, and their unwavering support of freedom, and the opportunity to grow into grace, at any age.

7:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who lauds Fox News is immediate suspect. Sacrifice by American soldiers in Iraq & Afghanistan to free soldiers from totalitarianism? Give me a break. Try oil, an oil pipeline in Afghanistan and an attempt to stop Iraq leading the charge in dumping the U.S. dollar for oil purchases. You think the dollar is low now? If Oil producing nations stop accepting US dollars for oil, it would be in the toilet. Do some research. The U.S. put Saddam in power they had no problem with his tactics until he stopped being their puppet. The next regime will make Saddam look like a saint. You ignorant Americans know nothing of the history in that region & the instability this war has caused.

The U.S. (including Dubbya) supported the Taliban. They were the first western nation to recognise the Taliban. They were hoping to broker a deal to build an oil pipeline in southern Afghanistan (the alternative is a pipeline in Iran). Also U.S. apathy after the Afghan/Soviet war led to the Taliban. The Taliban ousted a corrupt regime that took power after the war. If the U.S. had helped the Afghans build a stable gov't after the Soviet war the Taliban never would have existed. FYI Taliban means student in Pashtu.

The 600,000 number is the most accurate. It was from a study at John Hopkins, a reputable institute. The 50,000 figure was at least 50,000. The stat is from the Bush instituted Iraq Gov't, it is a morgue count. Anyone who has been to Iraq in the past 6 years, know most bodies don't make it to the morgue. Most families bury their own. Your comment about fellow Muslims killing Iraqis contradicts your previous arguments about the U.S. winning the war in Iraq. It is also a ridiculous argument. The idea that the Shi'ite militias and the Sunni insurgents have killed 600,000 is ludicrous. They don't have any bombs, planes, tanks or even hummers. But the U.S. has the fire power to kill 600,000 & after the war you will start finding mass graves on a Nazi sized scale.

I won't even touch your Obama argument except to say Kuwait was about oil. Bosnia & Kosovo weren't just about Muslims, there were other ethnic/religious groups. However you Republicans opposed going into Bosnia/Kosovo and criticised Clinton for it. Now you are trying to take the it. It was one of the better things the U.S. has done in the past 50 years. It was also part of an international UN effort. Not some 1/2 cocked unilateral action.

America has a lot to make up for with the Muslim world. Large parts of the Muslim word see America akin to the Nazis. They believe that the United States wants to kill them in all (genocide). Obama isn't the second coming as many believe, however he is starting on the right foot and he can't do any worse than the last idiot who sat in the oval office.

Andy H (Toronto, ON, Canada)

12:06 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

FOX News is suspect? That's not what your liberal heroes Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said. Hell, even John Kerry said FOX is reputable. Furthermore, how's about your precious NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, Newsweek, Time, etc. Those are reputable and objective? Please.

AS for this phantom oil pipeline in Afghanistan, where is it exactly? Where's all the oil that Bush stole? Why were gas prices so high last summer (and will be again) Where were all the oil tankers, frigates and subs (to escort these "thieves?" Yeah, I saw that Michael Moore "documentary" as well. Talk about research? Next time, use someone's work who isn't a complete fraud and has clearly been shown to be one.

The Taliban. You're right about that. The U.S. did support them at first, as well as Hussein. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, my little liberal drone. I thought for a second there you actually had a new thought I haven't heard before. Do you know how foreign politics are played? Did you think that Eisenhower and Truman really wanted to deal with Stalin?

If the 600,000 number is so accurate, like I said, how come it never went up or down? Always at 600,000, always stagnant. And sorry to tell you, but if you think that the Taliban and al Queda haven't been shipped weapons from Iran, you are insane. Everyone knows this. This is a war of proxy against Iran. Or do you believe their ridiculous remarks about having "no nuclear programs" and that there are no homosexuals in Iran. So, sorry, they do have the weapons. Not the bombs of America and her allies (yes, there are other countries involved in this other than the USA) but WMD's all the same.

As for your argument about Kosovo. You couldn't be more uninformed. By-passing the U.N. is exactly what Clinton did. And you're right, the Republicans did fight him on that, which by the way, I disagreed with them on. By the way, how come that war (which Clinton pulled out amid public pressure because a handful of soldiers died-allowing Osama bin Laden to describe America as "paper tigers") wasn't about oil? There is oil there. Oh, I guess American "imperialists" didn't want that particular oil? In any event, I agreed with Clinton going in anyway, since the U.N. is the most corrupt body on the planet. What are they going to do. Oh, right blame Israel.

America has a lot to make up for? Well, you;re right there. America has to make up for lost time and destroy as many as these evil bastards as they can. That's right. Why don't you write a letter to your other hero, Jimmy Carter and thank him for enabling these monsters in the first place.

Who cares that America is likened to Nazi Germany. Anybody with half a brain knows it's not true. For that, look at Iran. Listen to their lies, their propaganda, look at their symbols and hate speech. Truly, give ME a break.

And you can't touch my Obama argument because you just...can't. Obama was clearly anointed by the press. You lefties whine about about "Bush stole the election" (which has also been debunked a thousand times over) but yet refuse to acknowledge that Obama did NOTHING to deserve to be president. Present votes, claiming he voted against the Iraq war, when in fact he wasn't even an Illinois State senator yet. Changing his mind (read: flipping) and lying several times about campaign finance, ACORN, Bill Ayers, and even his own political, radical past. So, you'll excuse me if i don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Look at his administration picks. Some not bad, but others that he clearly picked out of "Hope." Did he even vet these people?

And finally, I myself am Canadian. Right here in Windsor, ON. So please, Andy, spare me your self-righteousness about "Americans" this and that. I've seen complete morons on both sides of the border (oh my God, Chretien) Speaking of morons (or as you-and other liberals put it-idiots) when was the last time you saw an "idiot" land a fighter-jet on an aircraft carrier? Give it a try. You know Bush also scored higher on his S.A.T's than both Kerry, And Al Gore? And graduated at a higher percentile than both of your heroes? What does that make them? Bet you didn't know that, did you?
And do you really think Joe Biden is a mastermind?

So stop watching your completely useless, clueless and supremely bias CBC. Your brain will thank you for it.

But at lest you make intelligent arguments, so write back anytime.

9:24 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

To Bill,
Thanks for your reading this blog and for your comments. And they are absolutely true. God bless us all, including Muslims the world over.
However, like I told another commenter, I am also Canadian, but I know common sense and historical facts when I see them. I am also proud to be America's neighbor.

Great post.

By the way, I wonder why Andy (and at least he used his real name-credit for that) only took on my arguments and not Krauthammer's? Hmm.

9:35 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

I didn't know that about Arab, Al. Thanks for the info. I'm going to check that out.

9:38 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

As for labeling liberals as ignorant, that's just a fact, as most of them are. They regurgitate Democrat talking points and repeat Huffington Post or fallacies at every turn. Lumping them together is a natural assessment when the continue to come from the same mold.

But your point is well taken.

However,I don't believe I suggested that all liberals leave the country. We do need them to keep us honest. A one party rule would be disastrous. Just like the Dems are trying to implement.

I have several liberal friends
(more than conservatives in fact) and most of them are quite intelligent, but just plain wrong in their assessments. Not because they simply disagree with me, but because they don't know their history. A lot of them actually believe in that "Loose Change" garbage. How do you combat that without believing you're fighting ignorance?

But you are right. Insults (if you want to call them that) are needless. However I will continue to do so when warranted. can you tell me it's NEVER warranted?

9:50 am  

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