Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama the "Idiot ?" II

Another "Bush-like" oopsie, yet hardly a mention from the MSM. How peculiar. Couple this with his treating a window as a door, and you have the makings of a genuine "idiot," right?

Of course, I don't think so. I believe President Obama is a brilliant man. A brilliant socialist man, but a smart guy nonetheless. Just as I know President Bush is a smart man. I dare anyone to challenge him on his knowledge of history. Or to try and fly a fighter jet at night using only your instruments, or land it on an aircraft carrier as he did. I know it's easy to call someone you don't agree with an idiot, I've done it, and I'll do it again, but to call the President of the United States-whomever he/she may be, an idiot and sincerely mean it is simply ridiculous. If you do mean it, then you, are in fact, the idiot.

But still, the MSM could have commented on it more than the ten-second sound-byte that they treated it as, even just for a laugh. But I guess that would ruin his "Messiah" image now wouldn't it? If it were Bush, it would be all over the network news and it would be fodder for a week for opportunists like Chris Matthews and Herr Olberloon. That liberal double-standard is alive and well.


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