Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama Signs "Stimulus" Bill

President Obama today signed into law his 780 billion dollar spending bill that was designed to stimulate the economy and create or save upwards to 4 million jobs. Many in the mainstream (or, who proponents of the bill say are mainstream-like the left-wing press) say this bill will save the American economy and give the president the angelic-like credit he so richly deserves. Yet other, just as prominent, yet not as quoted economists say that this stimulus package will do nothing to stimulate anything.

Just in case you missed it in the story...

Nobody's read the thing. The Democrats slipped in the beginning of their little "Daschle Doctrine," wherein they will make their Marxist changes to Americana-especially health care-little by little.

I guess using a "national emergency" plan to slip in your favorite pork items saying "it's for the good of the country," is o.k. now. Patriot Act anyone?

Some different takes by other sources. Interesting reactions. Expected, but interesting:

The New York Times (with Joe Biden looking like a proud poppa)
U.S. News & World Report
Denver Post (again with Biden)
Minneapolis Star Tribune
And from the Washington Post, an interview with the President about his thoughts on continuing to reach across the isle.

No going back now.


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