Friday, March 27, 2009

Obama All In?

A surge for the President? Does he believe in this one? If it works, will he be slow to admit it? Somehow, I think not?

The nutroots sure aren't happy.
"Earlier this week Ilan Goldenberg, the policy director at the progressive National Security Network, offered this analysis at the Huffington Post:
The 'all in' approach, best exemplified by John McCain and Joe Lieberman's op-ed in the Washington Post, argues for 'victory' through a full scale commitment of undetermined length at an undetermined cost. It is supported by hawks like McCain and Lieberman who generally believe that America must 'win' any war no matter the cost."

Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Win at any cost? Do you think Patton would have expected any less? How about MacArthur? Do you think they would have quit? Sure MacArthur had reluctantly leave thousands of troops behind after his superiors screwed him and his men, when the powers-that-be wouldn't immediately form a rescue operation from the hands of the Japanese in the Phillipines. That pretty much sounds like the plan of the Democrats in any modern-day war, win by surrendering. Caring not one aioda about how it affects the soveirnty


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