Thursday, March 19, 2009

So Let Me Get This Straight...

The Democrat Congress (particularly Senator Chris Dodd) included, in writing, bonus payouts to AIG bigwigs (and other company CE & COOs) that would be drawn from the "stimulus" package that American taxpayers are subsidizing. Dodd has admitted to this after days of lying to the American people. More golden parachutes courtesy of the American taxpayer. Of course, like all Democrat scandals, thet aren't to blame. This time they're pinning it on AIG chief, Edward Liddy (ok, then) but also Dodd himself said the Devil made him do it. Some AIGers are reportedly willing to give their bonuses back. See what a 90% tax on your bonuses can accomplish? The Democrats have taxed their own to save their own corrupt tail-feathers. Well, they did receive big kickbacks from these people that are the "evil big business" doers, didn't they? So instead of taxing themselves, or , God forbid, give the money back, the Congressional Demorats have decided to all pass the buck in their "culture of corruption."

Speaking of Nancy Pelosi; for her useless part, is blaming everyone but herself and her cronies.

How may Democrats are going to jail? How many Democrats are going to lose their seats, one way or another? How many Democrats are going to be protected by the MSM? Answer: None, none and probably all.

Hey, where is the President in all this? Oh right, just like when he had time for the NBA All-Star game, he also has time (in the middle of the same economic fiasco) to make picks for the NCAA Final Four. Nice to know that he still has his priorities in the right order.

Smoothest transition evaahh.


Blogger Adrienne said...

Great post, N.E. It's like they're using AIG as their money-laundering facility. This makes ALL the democrats look bad, especially Obama. I would love to see them just get raked over the coals for this but MSM will just let it blow over. It's awful. Obama really doesn't look good after this, though. Either he signed the stimulus knowing it was in there or he signed it without knowing what was in it. I'm glad it blew up in his face. ALL of the blame goes to the Dems.

10:37 pm  
Blogger Adrienne said...

I also forgot to add that Obama picking an NCAA bracket and doing an interview about it on ESPN made me so mad. Is this guy constantly campaigning or what? And then he went on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

After insulting every foreign leader he's come in contact with and sending the economy down the toilet he's doing NCAA picks?

10:53 pm  

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