Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama Rewrites History Yet Again

Maybe he should apologize to Americans instead of all her enemies.
What is with this guy? even Jimmy Carter didn't go this far...while in office, at least.

Newsflash Mr. President; they're not going to like you or America any more, better or different.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to have a president who actually apologizes for the mistakes( crimes )U.S made in recent years. YES, people actually like U.S more then ever, thank's to mr. Obama.
Newsflash... you're an idiot.

5:36 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Oh by the way, moron, the new fans America has are the despots and dictators your socialist president is warming up to these days. How are you able to eat?

7:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'd be a coward for deleting my posts.. Speaking of making intelligent points, you haven't made one so far. How does someone write such a long rsponse and still not make any sense? It seems like you can't defend what you write, so you start with insults. Oh, by the way, i eat fine, seems like you're the one having issues.

7:46 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Wow. You really can't form a cohesive thought can you? Only when your left-wing hypocrisy comes shining through.

Every comment you leave is an one big, uneducated insult.

Not make any sense? I'm sorry you can't understand the English language and you have to use a dictionary to try and define every word I use, and if embarrassing you with facts and documented history means not defending my points, you are truly more of a lost cause than I thought. The liberal art-form of projection is truly alive and well.

You have one more chance to make one substantial point, or you are banned. You have said NOTHING to contradict my points other than typical lefty knee-jerk emotional reactions.

One more chance. I dare you to make an intelligent point. You won't be missed.

8:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to find a definition to every word you use? The only words you use are lefty, dumb lefy, left-wing media, MSM.. In reality, i would love to see you write something without using those terms. You AREE capable of doing such thing.. right?

10:48 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Since those are all valid and accurate descriptions, yes I will use those terms. And since you seem to be the master of the insults and are clearly unaware you throw them around, do you know cliche, "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?" Look at it.

I'll give you one more chance to get your thoughts together and give me an intelligent argument about why Obama is so great and not just an obvious second term of Jimmy Carter. Or why the Democrats shouldn't be routed in the next Congressional elections. If you take the time to read any other of my posts, instead of seething with liberal hatred, you'll see I have given the president credit when he deserves it. And yes, I did cut Bush down when he deserved it.

I doubt that you can do it, but one more chance. Make it a good one.

10:58 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

By the way, I have written posts without using those terms. I use them just for fun and some of my readers enjoy it as well. Just as I'm sure you and your friends enjoy calling Republicans and Conservatives rascist, biggots, warmongers, criminals, what have you. So you can stop with the holier than thou stuff.

Check it out before you start making accusations.

11:14 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

To Loud Bob, I accidentally deleted your comment, but you're actually surprised to hear right-wing bias on a right-wing blog? Wow! What are the odds? And seriously you lefties and your "I know you are but what am I" defense has to go. Again, the issues, argue the issues, not my personality or limited paitence for the uninformed. The "brave one" deserved everything he got, because he hasn't proven ANYTHING! He hasn't even made a simple point. You seem to be better than others, but you still have that liberal disease of all sharing the same thought.

And trying making a point of some intellectual coward (yes, that's right) who doesn't even have the decency to give me a screen name (it's the SAME anonymous, if you can't tell you need to brush up on your psychology) is a little bit at an attempt at a swerve of the real issue isn't it? The dude can't argue. Did you happen to see his first hate-filled comment left a few weeks ago? Or did you just conveniently skip that little intolerence of a different opinion?

You guys should start a club. Issues, boys, issues.

4:52 am  
Anonymous Loud Bob said...

None of this adequately explains why just clicking "Anonymous" is being a coward. Does signing a comment as "Loud Bob", "The Anarchist", or "BlogMaster420" really lend more credence to a person's online identity.

You are aware of how the internet works, right? Or maybe I'm confused due to MSM lies.

2:06 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Maybe you are.

But then again, you did choose an online name, didn't you?

I don't expect someone to publicly state their given name and address, but to start their very first comment visiting someone else's blog with insults and physical threats and then not to have the cahonies to give me their name is yes, cowardly. Is a screen-name in and of itself cowardly, absolutely not. But to tlak tough and then sign off as "Anonymous," certainly is.

That and spewing forth rhetoric (yes, which we all do) and not make any arguments except to use knee-jerk emotion to acuse me of not making any points when in the post or reply just before did exactly that may not be cowardly, but it is ignorant and foul. First blood was drawn. I reciprocated. He (or she) has had chances to make an intelligent argument, yet refuses to do so. Lack of education or at least information on the issues is no excuse for idle threats. I really don't mind an insult or two as long as it is backed up by facts.

By the way, if you've seen any of my archives, you may notice in my "news-type" posts (with references and all) I do not use much insults on anyone but public figures.

3:02 am  
Anonymous I AM... said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:19 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Oh, this is rich.
I will reply to this non-sensical garbage, that I just bet you didn't even think I would publish.

Yes, you have most certainly have stumbled across an inane and obscure argument. One that is going to end very, very soon. That's the last time we will agree on anything, I'm sure.

The problem with your first point is the President Obama is apologizing to the wrong people. First off what is he applogizing for? Oh, I know, you'll say for hundreds of years of American criminality. Well, he never did get into specifics, did he? it was all pretty much America bad! Rest of the world good! What does America have to apologize for exactly? Defeating the Nazis? Freeing 50 million oppressed Muslims, giving Billions in aid to Africa? What again exactly?

If it's such a privelage to live outside the U.S, and believe me if I get a green card, I'm there, then why does everyone come to America? How come no one is in such a hurry to leave? And this is a proud Canadian saying this.

4:54 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

America has written it's own history? Who else will? The French? The Russians? I guess Roman historians shouldn't have been allowed to tell us about their past either then, right?

Who allowed a victory of WWI then? The British? The Canadians? In a sense, yes, but like WWII, it was America that took the brunt of the casulaties and more of the victories. If you are such a wiz at history, you should know that. You can re-write it all you want. It doesn't change the facts. Again, this is coming from a Canadian.
Speaking of which, what does being a Canadian have to do with what I choose to write about? Should reporters from the BBC, Jerusalem Post, London Times etc. only write about their own news?

And I'll have you know I get my information from all over the world. I choose to write about what I will. I use conservative sights and links, because I am a conservative and that's my point of view. In no way does that mean I "get my information from Republicans." I suppose you'll tell me you watch Fox News, you read the Wall Street Journal or the Weekly Standard? Probably not, so the next time you get your crap from the Daily Kos and the Huffingtom Post you think about that and try not to be so "pitiful" and "close-minded."
By the way, wht you guys call close-minded, others call conviction. I don't swallow all the crap you do. I don't neccessarily believe the Oliver Stones and Michael Moores of this world.

4:55 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

As for the dying party. Really? Why are the people of the world voting more and more conservative governments and policies? Why is Obama's popularity plummeting like a stone? Why are the Democrats losing credibility? You guys really have to stop listening to your Keith Olbermanns and other pseudo "news-casters." If any of you actually do not think that the major news networks are not in the tank for Obama, then well you're the onw who needs pity, AND a bib.

Why would anyone want change that is bad. Tax the people into oblivian. Good change. Shake the hands of the tyrants who wish to do America harm. Good plan. Convince your own children that their country sucks. Exellent way to create domestic terrorists. Good job.

If you actually think Obama is more liked or disliked than ANY other president, you really do watch too much "news." How many MSM outlets actually give you the conservative point of view, with equal time? Name one. You really think Wiliams, Couric or Gibson would really tell you about Bush or any other Republican president was mobbed by an enthuiastic crown such as Bush was in the Phillipines? Oh, you didn't hear about that? What a shock! How about the unethusiastic, almost non-existent crowd that met Obama in Ghana? No mention of that either? Hmm.

And for the last time, I'll explain this to you daft lefties who deny the truth, there was over 500 types of WMDs found in Iraq. Soldiers tell you this, Iraqis tell you this, journalists tell you this, but you are unwilling to admit it because that doesn't jive with YOUR lies and re-written history.

"Anonymous" defends someone that all you Obamaphiles simply fell in love with because the TV told you to. You can give me no real history of the man. You deny his radical associations that even William Ayres admits to (who OBama lied about knowing)

Other countries perspectives? Again, when this lying and historically inept president starts caring about his own country first and those who live outside it second, then maybe, just maybe I'll give a rat's behind about what he says. That's not to say I don't credit him when he deserves it, but since he's an empty suit to which sheep like you have blindly followed, who cares?

What eats at Obama? The fact that he can't fool everybody like you. He has to rush everything through Congress before people discover what crap he's selling and that he's a total fraud. Even when he bankrupts the nation, you'll refuse to admit it. You blame Bush for a corrupt Afghan police force? In the Middle East? The devil you say! But oddly enough it doesn't bother you that the Democrat Congress is full of corrupt criminals that made the Bush cabinet look like the Tabernacle choir.

Oh and by the way in journalism school, we were taught to write at an eighth grade level so that people like yourself can understand it. And furthermore, it is not copying, it's called links and references, doughhead.

And if you want to pick up a "cupcake," go down to your favourite, regular gay bar.

And no let's "go there." What does that exactly mean?

For the record, I'v ebeen to six different countries. I HAVE seen the good and the bad. What about you?

Your Daily Kos ignorance is truly transparent.

4:55 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

And just to be clear, since you obviously can't tell the difference. This is a blog, not a news sight.

5:02 am  
Anonymous Liberal Sith said...

"And I'll have you know I get my information from all over the world. I choose to write about what I will. I use conservative sights and links, because I am a conservative and that's my point of view. In no way does that mean I "get my information from Republicans."

Are you the creator of Hi and Lois? Because you are making me laugh.

1. the act of contradicting; gainsaying or opposition.
2. assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial.
3. a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.
4. direct opposition between things compared; inconsistency.

#3 especially sums up the above statement.

5:59 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

The reason you don't see you typical cowardly liberal attack comment is because once again you too much of a chickensh*t to attack the issues and it's for political discussion. You KNOW NOTHING except to give felatio to Obama at every opportunity. His numbers are down, the Dems numbers are down but you seem to think the "world is changing" in your image. You don't read the posts, just attack the poster. Intellectual coward. I gave you chance after chance and nothing. You can't discuss the issues so you turn it into the View where you want to just attack the conservative with your liberal nonsense. This is not a playground little boy, it's for adult discussion. Your little brethren dew first blood, now you have to defend his balderdash. You are truly sad. You go on thinking "got'em, I win," whatever. When you grow a set and want to come back and stop this "you sir" stuff (talk about a wanna-be Olbermann)and discuss real issues like an adult you'll be welcome back. Until then, bye-bye.

1:50 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

By the way, it's a four year journalism degree and three years of history. Can you beat that? I didn't think so. And the only traitor around here is you wanting to destroy your country from within.

Way to go. Your father must be proud.

1:54 pm  
Anonymous I AM... said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:18 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

I'm a liar because I'm more educated than you? Aw, muffin. Deal with it, loser.

And why are you still posting? Until you can show you have half a brain, you're banned. I told you, issues. You'll be welcomed back with open then. But until then b-bye!

3:24 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Oops. Open arms I meant.

3:25 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

You have disappeared. I know, I know, whatever. Get out of the middle of the evolutionary scale and go fling your feces somewhere else.

3:38 pm  
Anonymous Liberal Sith said...

"Enjoying that cut and paste Sith?"

Huh? When did I even say a thing about that?

11:31 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Sorry, Sith. Wrong guy, wrong thread.

12:30 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What makes a leader a good one?

Hmm. Well no leader is always right. No leader has a perfect record. When ever we read a negative add you can guarantee it was the opposition who dragged it up.
Obama is a fine president and when history looks back on his term or terms im sure there will be critisizms but i can definitely guarantee that no person reading anything on here is even qualified to carry his bags.
Politics is just that, bending facts and figures to get your spin in your favor. Hows that saying.."You cant please everyone all the time" something like that. Apparently he cant please Northern Ex poser at all. Well its too bad you have such negative feelings toward the president cause if your moderating you should be objective yet all i see is combative banter.
How about this.. Create a dialog that causes reflection and thought , hey and maybe try ignoring the BS unless this forum is for bashing one another...(just a thought)
Anonymous = Win

3:08 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

"Obama is a fine president and when history looks back on his term or terms im sure there will be critisizms but i can definitely guarantee that no person reading anything on here is even qualified to carry his bags.

You are right. We'll see how history judges him. But, unfortunately won't it also be determined by who in history is doing the judging?

3:19 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

I just have one question. Where was all this tolerance, understanding and support for Bush was he was in office? From day one, when he reached across the isle to Ted Kennedy, he was attacked. It stemmed from the Florida recount of 2000. Now you have the fiasco in Minnesota and the left all of a sudden didn't mind a "controversial" vote. I would appreciate someone answering that for me.

And Anonymous doesn't equal "win," it equals good point. Then again, maybe it does equal a kind of "Booya!" lol.

4:33 am  

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