Sunday, August 23, 2009

I am So Sick of This Woman

Janene Garofalo. Can't she just go back to making really crappy, unfunny movies? Why does she feel she must burden, bore and disgust everyone with her ridiculous ignorance? Well, she's at it again in all her left-wing wacko glory.
First she called tea-party supporters "redneck racists" (and like the rest of the left and media, the disgusting sexual term of "tea-baggers") but this time she has resorted to calling these patriots that are concerned for their health care futures and simply aren't swallowing what the president and Congress is trying to force-feed them, "retarded."
"Functionally retarded adults," to be exact.

Why can't she just go away? There's a reason she's not getting any juicy acting roles (other than because she sucks) and why she couldn't hold an audience on the failure that is Air America...she's a moron. I mean, isn't it obvious? And of course, it's because there's a black man in the White House.

"This is not politics, this is neuroscience. It is purely limbic brain activity - this emotion over being angry that there's a black guy in office, with the people showing up armed to the health care meetings - to whatever, the town halls. But it's just, and these tea baggers. It makes me soul sick."

To quote President Obama during the presidential campaign, "Spare me the phony outrage."

At least Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews are mildly entertaining in their delusions of grandeur, but this woman? Seriously, she really is creepy.


Blogger PDR said...

Y'know....i'm all for pundits and such but this broad is really on the weird-mobile.

USED to be a good comic before she got all political.

7:59 am  

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