Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Soaking the Middle Class

It's not like politicians haven't lied during their campaigns just to get elected. The difference here is, Obama over-reached and the people were warned about his not taxing 95% of American families. I don't honestly know if he "lied" about what he could accomplish in his attempt to rebuild the economy, or if it was just hollow promises that he knew he couldn't get done with resorting to taxing the middle class. But if he didn't, he should have.

But something tells me this was his plan all along. He is a socialist, whether he or his apologists want to admit it or not. It wasn't all that long ago he was saying he was going to "spread the wealth," didn't he?

Press Secretary, Robert Gibb's defense of Geithner and Emanuel when asked by reporter's why why they haven't satisfactorily explain this flip in policy by the president?
"They left it up to me."


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