Thursday, October 01, 2009

Don't Believe in Abortion? Too Bad

You're going to be paying for it anyway. Does the bill mention the words "abortion" or "female reproductive system?" Absolutely not. Are there legislative loopholes you can drive a Mack truck through? Oh hell, yeah!

This is the second amendment that the Dems have blocked in order to force the average American citizen to fund abortion, even if their morals and staunch beliefs are adamantly against it. Doesn't this just prove that euthanization is a cornerstone to the liberal mandate? How many of the Democrats vicitims may have grown to cure cancer, explore space, help the Chicago Cubs win the World Series, whatever?

The Democrats will certainly never be mistaken for the "party of life."
"Health care reform will not include public financing of abortion." -Nancy Pelosi
Maybe not to the naive public you depend on so much to force things through with all your current political capital, Ms. Pelosi, but then why the blocking of the Republican provision?

Speaking of bills. Hey what about those illegals, huh? Didn't Joe Wilson comment about this? Publicly? Oh wait. He's just a racist. A prophetic one, but nevermind.

Man, is this thing going to crash and burn.


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