Friday, October 16, 2009

The Rush Limbaugh Lynch Mob

By Toby Harnden

Liars all. Just one more example of how the left will totally make things up out of whole cloth just to sour someone's reputation. He didn't say these things. No one can prove that he did and it just goes to show that Wikipedia isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
It's in some lefty haters book, so it has to be true of course, even with absolutely no sources or credit.

Let's see, who's been lying about Limbaugh (I mean just recently)

CNN's Rick Sanchez, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Kieth Olbermann, David Schuster and Chris Matthews (ah, pretty much everyone at MSNBC who just like to spew lies infinitum, unchecked, untethered) CBS's Katie Couric, The New York Times,
Kool Aid...oh yeeaahhh!

We're all still waiting for an apology from the collective...other than "Oh, our bad."
It's funny, because these lying "reporter's" reputations are still fine and dandy within their own elitist's bubble. No call for retractions, no call for apologies. Being a liberal means never having to say you're sorry...or ever needing proof.

When will the sane part of the population realize that it is constantly the left who keeps bringing race up as a forum to attack conservatives for something that was never said? They keep using race to project their own racist cores and fears. These liberal pundits and "journalists" keep trying to make an argument (or create one) that it's the right keeping the black population down (not to mention Latinos) by "reminding" them that they need the left, they're the victims. They're the ones who are being kept down by the right.

Of course history-real history-has shown that the right has tried to better everyone with promoting self-reliance, self-responsibility and family values. Some don't always practice what they preach, granted, but does that make the message any less redeemable? The left wants to keep them down for two reasons; hate and votes. That's all. They keep telling people that they're the victims and that only a liberal/Democrat government can save them. With any and all other voices are shut down or marginalized decade after decade, while re-writing history, what would you think?

Don't fall for it.


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