Sunday, November 08, 2009

House Passes Health Care Bill

After not reading anything. After not letting Americans know what's in it and after House conservatives from both parties called for imposing restrictions on abortion coverage, the House voted 200-215 to clear the way for the Senate to begin debate.

This is huge victory for President Obama. But should the Senate vote it down, this very well still could be his Waterloo. A term the left hates to hear (they hate to hear anything that may have connotations with any Obama political defeat) but a fitting one.

"United in opposition, minority Republicans cataloged their objections across hours of debate on the 1,990-page, $1.2 trillion legislation.
'We are going to have a complete government takeover of our health care system faster than you can say, `this is making me sick,' jabbed Rep. Candice Miller, R-Mich., adding that Democrats were intent on passing "a jobs-killing, tax-hiking, deficit-exploding' bill."

If this passes in the Senate, there very well couold be "coverage" for "ninety-six" percent of Americans (including those ol' illegals remember) but it will also be yet another socialist take-over for Obama. The tired old argument of soft socialism doesn't hold water. You know, the police, fire, garbage, libraries and other government programs-even parks and recreation?-being government "socilaistic" policies. Well, no. Julius ceaser implemented those type of policies, too and they may have been good (overall) for the people, but didn't he turn a Republic into an Empire? Wasn't he a dictator?

"Obama had said the day's vote, "is going to define the difference between the Republican and Democratic parties for decades."
It sure is. It'll surely define the deficit, too.

To be continued...


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