Sunday, November 15, 2009

9/11 Terrorists to be Tried in NY

So President Obama has decided it cool (isn't everything he does that?) to bring the 9/11 perpetrators to New York city for civilian trials. He has promised to close Gitmo (yet another reason you can believe it probably won't happen) so the detainees must be represented by American trial lawyers. Great. If it works, the New York attorney General (assuming U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder doesn't feel the need to try the case himself and make a mockery out of the justice system-not to mention risking letting 11 mass murderers go free) will be pursuing the death penalty.

There's also the potential of, what the article states, "bringing them to U.S. soil could make New York a magnet for new attacks and that the men deserved military trials," and "should the prosecutions fail, or if it prompts further attacks, it could anger the victims' families and prompt a public backlash."

If the latter should come to pass, the president is d-o-n-e. There is no way he could recover from a scandal like that. His minions in the press and Congress would surely try, but it wouldn't do any good. Other than to those who follow him blindly now anyways.

The president really screwed up on this one. Even with successful prosecutions, there will always be the chance of terrorists going free after an attack. These guys are willing to die for their missions and their religion, do you think if there's a chance they might go free even after getting caught and going to trial it'll slow down attacks? It'll make would-be suicide-bombers think twice? All in the name of justice? This president really knows how to waste tax-payers money doesn't he?

But if there are convictions, do you think it will douse the flames of treason that are the 9/11 conspirators? Not bloody likely.


Blogger Adrienne said...

Yeah, it's a lose-lose-lose situation all around. I'm still really upset about this one. Someone at National Review said that Holder prob wanted a civilian trial because all the "torture" stuff will be exposed and it will help is CIA Bush administration prosecution case. Shameful. I hate that these terrorists are going to be protected by the US constitution just like they were any other everyday criminal.

9:40 pm  

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