Sunday, January 24, 2010

Canadian Hero Was a Spy

I was too young to really remember Ken Taylor's involvement in the saving of American diplomats from Iranian students (including current Iranian president and whack job, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) when they rushed the U.S. embassy and took 63 Americans hostage (releasing 11
and holding the rest for 444 days until Ronald Reagan was inaugurated and they got wise) I was only 11, but I have obviously read and heard about it over the years. Ken Taylor is a not only an American hero, but a Canadian one as well.

It turns out he was an American spy, a position brokered in a deal with Jimmy Carter and then-Prime Minister, Joe Clark. The information was revealed in a new book, Our Man in Tehran," by Trent University historian, Robert Wright.


Blogger Adrienne said...

That's really neat! He truly is a hero.

11:42 am  

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