Monday, January 04, 2010

Classic Liberal Revisionism

Imagine if the Bush administration had this guy writing and apologizing for him. He would be considered the bestest president evah!! But as it is, instead of the former normal practice of screwing up, then just apologizing for it (like kissing it and making it better-then of course making a worse mistake the next time) the MSM is, as usual, making excuses for his administration all on their own. Nothing new for Obama to be sure (and nothing new for the liberal MSM and their Democrat presidents) but isn't it a bit historically ironic; not to mention hypocritical?
That's right, libs love to make up their own history.

Of course, A Mess NBC had to throw their (albeit calmer) attack dog into the fray. Rachel Maddow joined with Broder in his lunacy. About Obama's "dramatic, unexpected appearance," it really must have played havoc with his golfing handicap, huh?


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