Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Lady Says Obesity Threat to National Security

First Lady, Michelle Obama has declared that the nation's obesity (especially that of children) is costly and a threat to national security, lamenting that, “This epidemic also impacts the nation’s security, as obesity is now one of the most common disqualifiers for military service.”

Now, while saying that obesity is a "threat" to national security (as opposed to terrorism) is greatly over-exaggerated, it is a problem facing not only the overall health of America's children, but the population as a whole as records show that Americans are getting more and more obese as the years go on. Although fitness trends have been the "in thing" for a lot of Americans, the instant availability of fast foods and sugary treats aimed primarily at children is, or should be, a legitimate concern.

Much like Nancy Reagan, who tried to teach the nation's children to "just say no" to drugs, Michelle Obama has taken it upon herself to help the future of America to stay healthy. This is a good thing and I can't for the life of me understand why her detractors (I didn't know she had any, other than those who rightfully chastised her for her "For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud of my country remark") are assailing her. What is wrong with what she is doing? I can't fathom why she should recieve any criticism, other than deriding her somehow means deriding the president. There are many, many reasons to attack the president and his policies, but frankly, this is not one of them. Nor should it be, even in any alternate universe.
Not cool people.


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