Sunday, February 07, 2010

One of His Best Ever!

You know once in a long while, I am given a reprieve from the nausea that Keith Olberloon causes me and I am infected with a case of the laughies at this moron's ultimate idiocy. This tirade just goes to show, it's all about Keith. This is just to good for words. Have a look for yourself.

Olbermann's network president, Phil Griffin, has said, "Keith has been our tentpole." Adding later about the MSNBC host's dismal ratings (that are falling more and more every single day) "I'm pleased with where we are."

I'll decline the urge to go leftist and attempt a sexual innuendo here about the tentpole remark.

If he keeps this up, regardless of the naivete of Griffin, this may happen to poor ol' Olby:

H/T on the photo to Moonbattery


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