Sunday, February 28, 2010

TIME's Klein Performs Literary Fellatio on Obama

What a surprise. All I (or anyone who actually can diseminate from liberal stinkwads of BS) got is, "Blah, blah, blah...shame on you Republicans! Forget that my president only re-hashed old, unacceptable ideas that 54% of Americans don't want, you didn't give him everything He wanted! How dare you?!"

I swear, the guy just clicks on every healthcare column saved to his computer, and just changes the date. What else is new here? I guess if Obama can re-hash old, tired ideas, why can't Klein?

As one commentor said, "Really poor journalism by Klein, More of an apologist trying to spin rather than analyze. Klein is a propagandist flunky and if you understand that then you understand his writing."



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