Thursday, March 04, 2010

Another Speech, More GOP Blame

Even though at last count, only 25% of Americans favor the health-care reform bill as it now stands, President Obama has now turned into an official dictator. Hardly anybody likes the bill as it is, including Senate Democrats, but that didn't stop the president from blaming the Republicans for stalling the process and using the same language and talking points (almost in verbatim) as his last three speeches, including his first State of the Union address. He didn't win any points then, so it just makes sense to use the same speech. "Let's get it done." No matter what the public and especially the Republicans think.

It wasn't all that long ago that Obama chastised the Republicans for using the reconciliation process, which even *GULP* Katie Couric pointed out. He made comments about how "most Republicans" won't like this or "mainly the Republicans" are stopping that. Again, failing to point out that even though the Dems had a super-majority in Congress for most of the year and they have control of the Senate, House and White House, it's the GOP's fault that nothing has been done or their leader's pet project (at the expense of his presidential legacy-which he himself has said, in so many words, doesn't matter) can't get passed by his own party.

Again, I guess the GOP is just supposed to acquiesce and let the president and his party do whatever they want , because once again, they know what's best, even if they don't.
What's with this guy talking about partisan politics (while covering for Weasel Harry and Madam Blinky) then proceeds to play the blame game and every opportunity. I guess the buck really doesn't stop with him. Although I'm sure it made all his minions sweat with excitement when he pulled that phrase out of the closet; even though he totally mis-quoted it. Bushism perhaps? Nah, we'll just let that one slide, too.

But, I'll hand it to ol' Barry. He sounded good once again with his white coat props and his second and third wife on either side of him. Bravo.


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