Friday, March 05, 2010

Canadian National Anthem Under Scrutiny

I guess winning the Olympic hockey gold medal wasn't nearly enough to bring the country together as much as us whacky canucks may have thought. Now the government is seriously considering changing a line in the national anthem to make it gender neutral. Apparently, as reported by the Toronto Star, female constituents are "wrankled" by the line "all thy sons command."
I guess women's lib in my homeland has indeed run amok. I didn't know there were feminists in the Conservative Party. Isn't that wonderful?

Great. Like Canada isn't made fun enough (most assuredly undeserving) already.
I know I say this enough as it is, but un-be-lievable!

Not everyone agrees, of course. I agree. Leave it alone. Jeez. It just takes one feminist to stir the pot.


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