Friday, April 16, 2010

Crash the Tea Party a Collasal Failure

Colossal failure by the progressives (i.e douchebaggers) to crash the Tea Party. The Tea Party movement as you know, has gained significant voice and prestige among the right. But not the right alone as many are registered Democrats and independents and are just tired of the facist way Obama has conducted his administration.

As the link above demonstrates, the left and their media enablers have tried (and will continue to try even though this guy has been thoroughly exposed as the phony and racist that he is (like most in denial libs)

You'll notice the signs behind him already know that he's a phony and he doesn't speak for them. And as one sign reveals, an obvious infiltrator.

Of course, the frothing left-wing media will jump all over this and Kieth Olberloon Rachel Madcow, Sargent Schultz and all the rest on A MessNBC (not to mention NBC,CBS, ABC, you know the usual suspects) will use this debunked story as more ammunition for their bogus and made-up racial claims.

As for this loser, his name is Jason Levin and he's a teacher. Not a surprise, but how many parents will want this man disciplined for his actions and whatever God knows he's "teaching" his students? He is now under investigation.

The MSM. A year after the Tea Parties blossomed and they still can't get their facts straight. Probably because they don't like the facts when they contradict their myths.


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