Wednesday, July 14, 2010

In Case You Missed it About Levi the Liar...

As everyone should have already predicted (other than rabid Palin haters) Levi Johnston is a phony. A big, fat phony! have to give the kid a little credit I guess. He privately and publicly apologized to the Palin family for the obvious lies he told. Unfortunately, for some (especially those Palin haters mentioned above) this won't matter. They have already taken his misinformation and ran with it. Just like all the evidence contrary to it, the same people will be spewing the old "Bush lied" meme for years to come.
That having been said, I don't really know; have the Daily Kos and Huffington Post done any retractions about what Johnston said about Sarah and her family? I doubt it.

UPDATE: Geez. Now Bristol and Levi are getting married?


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