Friday, July 23, 2010

Yep, Kathy Griffin IS Scum

The irrelevant has-been that is Kathy "Suck it, Jesus" Griffin, is indeed a useless, horrible excuse for a human being. Nevermind that she doesn't have the guts to stand up to a Megan Kelly, or Laura Ingram, or Michelle Malkin in person, because everybody knows, whether you like them or not, any one of these women would intellectually eviscerate the red-headed, unfunny hag.

First she dumped her ugly, hateful liberal ignorance on Sarah Palin (what else is new?) then it was token conservative, Elizabeth Hasselback on The View, where it's easy to get in on the liberal feast with four other hens taking up your cause. I defy her to spew her crap at any conservative woman worth her weight in intellectualism. She would cry (trying to convince us through nervous laughter at first) and storm off the set once she knew she was in over her head. Most ugly libs would. Of course she then goes on her sister of ugliness's show, Joy Behar and they both had a hardy laugh at how truly ignorant and ugly they really are.

"...whenever a statement is issued against me, I'm in heaven, I feel my next special is half written for me, and then I get to read statements aloud in my live shows, which you can go to and see the many, many cities I've picked up for my current tour."
Whatever you think will keep you relevent and your name in the news.

Why is it whenever lefties feel the need to get ugly and insult someone, the rest of us "uptight right-wingers" should swallow whatever is thrown at us; regardless if it's Bill Maher, Joy Behar, Rosanne, or Kathy Griffin? How come Michael Richards wasn't given such a break as these hags? Of course what he said and did was inexcusable. My point is, if it was all in the name of "humor," or it was simply "a joke," then why did it ruin his career, where as Maher can wish for a "real black president," or insult every religion he sees fit (except of course Islam, because obviously, like all the other lefty "comedians" that harp on religion and don't utter one word about it are cowards in every sense of the word) and be defended by fellow libs without absolutely any fear of reprisal?

Because they're cowardly scum, that's why.


Blogger Adrienne said...

I completely agree with you. She's an ugly person inside and out. The evil has eaten away at her. She is totally scum. You're so right that she couldn't hold her own in a debate with Megyn Kelly or any other strong conservative woman.

1:32 pm  

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