Friday, August 06, 2010

Gay Judge Shoots Down Prop 8

H/T to Moonbattery.

An openly gay judge has said that California's Proposition 8 is "unconstitutional." If that's the ruling, then proponents of the bill will have to appeal it, like those who lose a court battle always do. However, isn't it a little on the conflict of interest side to have a gay judge to rule on this? Even just a little?

It must be said however, that although I mostly agree with "Van Helsig's" take on this development, I would have framed my discontent a little different. But the bottom line is, why do these judges continue to spit on the rule of law. What's the point of the voter's saying what they believe in if some judge with an agenda can just strike it down on a whim? What's the point of voting?


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