Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Beck Critic Taibbi Gets Owned by Tea Partier

So according to Taibbi, any gathering of a group of whites is a KKK rally. I guess that would mean (as idiotic as it sounds) that any gathering by blacks is a Black Panther rally, or any group of Hispanics and blacks is a Crypts or Bloods meeting, I see.
This was concurred by a great post by a commentor by the screen name of "dividingbyzero" who said,
"I'm tired of people like Dana not addressing the underlying notion that an all White crowd is a bad thing. Stop the pandering. Ask them when they have criticized a crowd for being all Black. Ask them to denounce the attacks on Whites in Des Moines which the media refuses to cover!"

Taibbi was clearly out of his element here (whatever his element actually is) his nervous laughter didn't exactly cover up his nonsense and the obvious fact that he had no idea what he was talking about. Score one Dana Loesch.

I love it when a liberal loon like Taibbi tries to outhink a conservative like Loesch. They just end up embarrassing themselves. Really, some of these people need a bicycle helmet just to walk outside.


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