Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Arriana Huffington So Desperate to Astroturf, She'll Pay Your Way

Huffington Post founder and editor, Arianna Huffington is so desperate to show up Glenn Beck, due to his ultra-successful rally, that she's willing to pay for the bus fare for liberal sheep to travel to New York to Washington.
I'll skip over the fact how Ed Schultz (you know he secretly wants this to fail so the turn out of his own failed rally won't give him any more facial breakouts) and even Nancy Pelosi complained (untruthfully, of course) how all the big turnouts at Tea Party rallies were astroturfers-totally and conveniently omitting how most the Democrat town hall meetings were filled with "bussed-in" union attendees. Once again, being a liberal means never having to say you're sorry, never having to tell the facts and most importantly to them, do as I say, not as I do.

Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Arianna Huffington. How many is there going to be until they finally (if at all) beat the numbers at Beck's rally? Is it a vendetta? Are they really that put off by Beck's rally success? Are they really that jealous? Don't they realize that 1) their attendance levels are the same as their television viewers and readership levels? Zero to none. Maybe, just maybe that's why their rally attendance numbers are so low. And 2) Do they not realize the people that went to Beck's rally are inspired by him? That they went of their own free will and by their own pocket books and time? That they weren't led there by a carrot on a stick that was uninformed information and all-out lies?

Nope. And they never will. I doubt it, but even if there is more people present at this little get-together, it's the message that made beck's successful, not the souls in attendance. Who knows, maybe Stewart can get a "sane" message across and make the left realize it isn't about left versus right or who can get more people to attend what rally. It's about fixing the way Americans go about having political discussions. Stewart himself has said it's about bi-partisanship. But the liberals will call it their own if it's successful.

And Ed Schultz will burn down some building.


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