Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Democrats Still Harp on Unsubstantiated Allegations of Commerce

So the Democrats and their great leader are so desperate about losing seats in Congress that they've resorted to unsubstaniated claims of the Republican party recieving campaign contributions "funneled" through foreign money.

Nevermind that the Dems more than the Republicans do in that area, but it's typically not true anyway.

Of course the liberal pundits that are as desperate as the Dems themselves are typically trying to spin this as true in all of their collective ignorance and bias.

Only the Dems and their usual minions are claiming this to be true. However, one of their usual allies, the New York Times has even debunked this. As have others, surprisingly, including NBC. I mean, like wow!

Charles Krauthammer exposes them for what they are...reptilian.

Everything new is old again.


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