Monday, November 15, 2010

Arianna Huffington Acuses Bush of Plagiarism

This isn't the first rabid attack by the left since the former president released his new book, Decision Points, but hardly any are so entertaining as this one.

Arianna Huffington, the founder of the irrelevant and misleading Huffington Post and who has been charged with (and settled out of court for) plagiarism herself multiple times dons her mask of hypocrisy once again to spit at the former president.
Nevermind that she has absolutely no business in accusing anyone of plagiarism when no body guilty of a crime who isn't looking at a long-term jail sentence doesn't admit to it, but this woman has been thoroughly debunked and embarrassed every time she spouts on an opinion on just about everything she gripes about. This one is no different.

I know it's patently obvious by now, but this woman has absolutely no shame. And really no purpose in the political world.


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