Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tucker Carlson Says Michael Vick Should Have Been Executed

"Cable news host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday took issue with President Obama's support of quarterback Michael Vick's stunning turnaround, saying that he thought Vick "should have been executed" for his crimes."

Look, I'm an animal lover and in a sense, I agree with Carlson that people who are cruel to animals should face jail time and not just some meager, paltry fine that really doesn't amount to more than lip service. Michael Vick and that little witch who threw newborn puppies in to a rushing river come immediately to mind. But even I'll admit that Carlson was a tad over the line on this one. Of course he'll be labeled a racist for this by the oh-so-sensitive-politically-correct left who never care about people like Al Sharpton running his mouth with his racial tirades and shame on President Obama supporting Vick. Not the crime itself, mind you, but I wonder if Vick had been, shall we say a person of different skin pigmenatation, would the president have said anything? But I digress.

I mean, yeah, Vick is clearly a monster and a unrepentant (contrary to what he claims) piece of dung, but does he deserve death over this? Hardly.
Not a good call, Tucker.


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