Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In Response to Ron

Just a quick counter-point to Ron Reagan, Jr (what a waste of a name, given this guy's mindset) and his book, My Father at 100, wherein the author claims to have witnessed his father, President Ronald Reagan, had symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease while in his second term as president.

Of course, he's the only one-besides the liberal disgrace that is Dianne Sawyer who says, all of a sudden, that she too remembers Reagan not being all there. Again, not one member of his former cabinet, any foreign dignitary, friend, other family members or journalist has ever mentioned seeing something different or wrong with Reagan while president.
Edmund Morris, the Ronald Reagan biographer, says in an interview that he doubts the claim in part because Reagan's daily diaries are as "clearly expressed and well-written at the end of his presidency as at the beginning."

A couple of years s ago, when Reagan's diaries were published, I took the liberty of showing you just what his thoughts were on the Soviet Union, Gloria Steinem and the feminist movement that invoked lies to bash him; Communism, Iran Contra and of course, his adoring wife, Nancy.

Not anywhere in those passages was there the slightest hint that Reagan had any thing wrong with his state of mind. Like Morris said, Reagan's daily diaries are as "clearly expressed and well-written" at the end of his presidency as at the beginning." From beginning to end. Eight years worth of The Great Communicator's thoughts and wishes (and regrets) and unrestrained love for his wife, God and country.


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