Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Left's (especially Chris Matthews) Continuing Fascination with Race

With all the problems going on, the left (and especially that of MSNBC's Chris "Tingle" Matthews) still wants to waste air time chastising Americans for being "afraid" of black people. Forget the fact that President Obama had the vote of 80% of whites, Matthews and his fellow miscreants on the left just can't fathom that Americans don't find Obama's policies to be all that appealing, so of course, it has to be because of racism. I'm sure you're tired of hearing it, just like me, yet the liberal media continues with this tired meme in hopes of convincing the last vestiges of those that can be fooled by their consistent and insane caterwalling.

Why do they insist on this crap? Why? Can they talk about anything else that isn't manufactured paranoia and projection?


Anonymous John said...

The lamestream media continues to flounder about babbling about race because they honestly don't GET it. They sincerely cannot understand why we aren't all as enamored with "The Chosen One" as they are. As a result hey flail around in the dark searching for a reason for our inability to see "His Greatness". Surely race MUST be the answer.

10:35 am  

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