Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Liberal Idea of Redistribution of Wealth

Liberals claim that they are for the working man. They want you to believe that they're are the "Party of the Poor." They want to tax you to death (and then some) redistribute your hard-earned money in the hopes of funding some irrelevant and wasteful government program that amounts to nothing but the continuation of class warfare, all along blaming it on the rich; you know, the people that actually create jobs.

Anne Coulter has a beautiful column about the so-called "charitable" liberal Democrats in Washington. Turns out they're not so charitable as they would have you believe. How long will people put up with, and turn a blind eye to, these wolves in sheep's clothing?

So the next time you hear a Democrat talk about redistribution of wealth (which they obviously won't call it, but a rose by any other name...) remember what they mean is "You pay, we play."


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