Friday, January 21, 2011

Liberals Pile on After Ron Reagan, Jr. Releases Book on His Father

Forget the son of Ronald Reagan trying to snuggle up to his liberal friends by essentially saying that his father was demented while in the Oval Office-for which his brother, Michael rightfully called him "an embarrassment," the real opportunity here for liberal is to take Ronnie's ball and run with it. "Well, the son of Reagan said he had Alzheimer's while in office, so it has to be true!" That's their logic. And now anyone who had even remotely come into contact with the former president is going to get their name in the news and magazine articles claiming that The Gipper was "not fit" or "out of touch."

Forget about the words of people that worked with President Reagan on a daily basis, like his cabinet members and honest members of the media-when they actually existed-who say that Reagan was the most intelligent, stoic and "on the ball" man they had ever worked with or covered. Not to mention that there is no doctor's report to say otherwise prior to 2004. Nah, that would destroy the whole liberal-hate-Reagan narrative, now wouldn't it?


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