Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Hypocrite and Moron Show

I'll leave it to you to decide who's who.

Over the weekend there were a couple of big boners (clearly not the accidental type, considering the history of the authors) by a couple of lefties who said some really, not only outragous, but just simply mind-boggling comments.

On Monday, The New York Times resident blowhard and apparent economic guru, Paul Krugman said that President Obama has "...has done more to rein in long-run deficits than any previous president."

While this is not surprising coming from somehow Pulitzer Prize winning, yet always wrong Krugman, the other "winner" in this week's "What the Hell Are They Talking About" award, MSNBC's Sgt. Ed Schultz said this about Rush Limbaugh. Keep in mind Schultz's a little north of rotund..."stature."

"Now, maybe it’s understandable that a guy who tried to go to college but dropped out wouldn’t respect teachers. But I will say this tonight to America: if you want to follow the Limbaughs and the Becks of the world, and you want to turn your back on firefighters, you want to turn your back on police officers, you want to turn your back on nurses, you want to turn your back on brothers and sisters who have stood in solidarity to fight for the middle class in America, is that -- is that wrapping yourself in the flag?
No, wait a minute. No, no, no. The conservative right in this country, they say you’re nothing but a bunch of free loaders. That’s what they say.
Hey, Rush, why don’t you wrap your fat ass in the flag on Monday?"

That's right. Ed Schultz is calling someone else a "fat-ass." Forget the fact that we all know he has no journalistic standards (or talent) whatsoever, forget that he was caught yet again lying to his miniscule audience about Wisconsin being in a surplus and not a deficit to help to line the pockets even more of his union thug-buddies (so really, how many people can he misinform nowadays?) but moreover, he truly doesn't care for the truth. His only mission (other than keeping his hanging-by-a-thread job) is to misinform as much people as possible (again, how he means to accomplish this with his audience...?) to keep Obama and the Dems in power. Because the more he and his fellow Messers keep lying to America, the more they think people will see the GOP as that mean ol' Party of No and the Dems as the only choice to save people from their ignorant, in-need-of-government selves.

Isn't America just so lucky to have these intellectual giants in her corner?


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