Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Reagan and the Lies of the Media

Nothing has changed. As I noted in a post a couple of years back, the MSM hated Reagan. What's that you say? The liberal press hated a Conservative-Republican president? Nah. Couldn't be! Oh, rest assured, the media was doing its usual pathetic "best" to once again portray a Republican president as "dumb," "evil," "uncaring," "senile" and whatever other adjectives they could muster to paint this highly influential, competent, brilliant and loved patriot as bad for America and heck why not even history all together? Does this not resonate a little too much today? Isn't there a former Republican president (and indeed a current female Republican-who happens to be a former Vice-President candidate) that the media consider "dumb," but yet smart enough for them to continue to demonize and make up ludicrous stories about? Unfortunately, far too many Americans believe these bulldung stories. Not everyone will benefit from the passage of time and the true history and accomplishments of these men (and woman).

But to the MSM, facts and true history matters not. It's what you can do the minds of the uninformed today that matters. If you, with the help of the always devious and compliant liberal media, can destroy the legacy of Ronald Reagan, then in the same breath lift a complete failure like Jimmy Carter to the level of demigod (not to mention allow him to continuously lie about his record and non-existent "accomplishments," then that's some type of pretty potent magic...or is that witchcraft? In any event, it's disgusting.

Now the dastardly media is trying to erase all that hatred (for now) in an attempt to put Barack Obama in the same historical light as Reagan...a man they hate. Go figure. It seems that even they know that they can't whitewash or re-write history too much about Reagan without some sort of backlash. Too many people just know too much. Damn those Americans for educating themselves.

Media Research Center's Brent Bozell has dug up some liberal media ghosts of the past to demonstrate just how low, lying and ultimately predictable the media was and still very much are. No matter how much history-true history-of Reagan is available out there (including men and women still around that actually knew and worked daily with the man)

Don't let the ugly MSM fool you. They hate Reagan. They love Obama. Anything else is opportunism and a lie.


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