Sunday, March 27, 2011

And On it Goes

After 10 years of war in Iraq, the lefty media still clings to the historical lie that George W. Bush went into Iraq "unilaterally," without a coalition of countries in support. Now while it's true that some of these countries only sent a team of literally 30 or so soldiers, the liberal meme is that the U.S. went in alone, without Congress's approval and without a U.N. mandate. Well, the mandate part is true and there still hasn't been a declaration of war, but 40 countries, more than twice as many as Obama has in Libya right now, found it worthy of invasion along with the U.S. to remove Saddam Hussein from power and institute a democracy that millions of Iraqis agreed with and risked their lives from terrorist authoritarians threatening to kill them if they voted for freedom. But again the truth matters not to the left, so all those British, Spanish, Japanese, Chezs, Slovaks, Polish, South Koreans, Turks, Italians, etc. were never there at all.

The Media Research Center's Brent Bozell points out the liberal media's typical double standard. And AllahPundit at Hot Air adds that Obama's coaliton is the smallest since the Cold War.

And I'm still waiting for all that "stolen oil" to rear it's head and bring down the gas prices.


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