Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Canada's Conservative Party Guilty of "Willfully" Exceeding Spending Limit on 2006 Campaign?

Elections Canada has charged that the Conservative Party "willfully' exceeded an $18-million campaign spending limit in the election that saw Prime Minister Stephen Harper lead the Tories to a minority victory in 2006."

However, "Election Canada has had this ongoing vendetta against the Tories for years now and its becoming a little bit of a drama play over what is essentially accounting procedural wrangles. While not excusing those involved I think this has become political in nature and Election Canada itself needs to come under some scrutiny for what may be inappropriate politically motivated actions."

This is true. As is, "We know that nobody could bend the rules quite like the Chretien Liberals did in the 1990's which is why this is rich coming from Election Canada at this time.

But still. If rules were broken and fraud perpetuated, fixing the problem and disciplining those responsible has to start sometime. Too bad Elections Canada seems to have blinders on when it comes to dealing with Conservative-only wrong-doings.


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