Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Global Warming Caused Japan Earthquake?

That's what the president of the European Economic and Social Committee, Staffan Nilsson wants to guilt you into believing.

Uh huh, sure. Why not the launch of Discovery back in February? You know just like Mel Gibson's character said in Conspiracy Theory? That makes about as much sense. Or hey, how about Barack Obama himself?

Just a thought here, but if humans cause global warming, thus pretty much control what climate and weather patterns will occur, why doesn't Al Gore and his minions just do some sort of rain dance and help out the droughts in Africa? Or is it that they're too poor to pay him like the government does? I know they can't afford any of his carbon footprint reduction doohickies, but you would think for a guy that fancies himself a champion of the planet, he would help them out a bit instead of denying them power to thoroughly cook their food.


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