Monday, March 07, 2011

Stewart Not on the Money

I have this buddy who, every time the Wisconsin question comes up, he gives me sarcastically-wrapped quotes from Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert.
First off, it must be reiterated that Stewart himself has said multiple times that he is a "fake news" reader. His show is a parody. The people that read The Onion understand this. You don't hear people going around using items from that web-page as facts about human events. So why do lefties insist on regurgitating quotes and "information" that comes out of Stewart's mouth? It seems his show and MTV News are the two most institutions of info for the under 25 crowd. What does that tell you about how little the youth really know what's going on. But, it makes them laugh (assuming they even get the premise and know the players involved) and all their friends watch it,so it must be cool and informative.

Nevermind the fact that Stewart doesn't have all the facts, or if he does, he is clearly spinning his "information" for the benefit of a) his audience, who much like Bill Maher's audience are really no more than trained seals and applaud at anything he says and does. And b) he is a lefty, so no amount of actual truth won't get untouched and spun to defend the liberal spin and misinformation designed to besmirch the reputation and campaign promises of Gov. Scott Walker.

From Big Hollywood, John Nolte explains from the land of the sane and obvious and about what Walker really intends for the unions-and NOT the "government workers" that the left and the MSM have purposely labeled the fight to confuse the public.


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