Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More Food Fascism

First the Fascist Food Police (FFP) and their Chief Administrator, Michelle Obama said no more fatty foods for children (except for her and her kids) No more outrageous overindulgence's (except for ribs and ice cream...for her and her own kids) Then came the end of Happy Meals (at least the "happy" part of it, along with any childhood memories of the right of passage with mom or dad taking you out for your first trip at McDonald's) along with pop machines in schools-with no manner of choice in most schools-even for juice)

Recently, a school in Illinois banned children from bringing in their own lunches. Apparently the lunches that their parents make are ill-thought of and the elitists in charge don't think very highly of the parents choices, so the Great Deciders made a point of letting you know who's in charge of your child's nutrition and eating habits. Now it's time to say goodbye to the historically tasty and nutritious chocolate milk. See, the fact that it's good for your children and they actually like it is not good enough for the people that are apparently better, smarter and care for your children more than you do, because you see good ol' chocolate milk still has sugar in it. It also has calcium, riboflavin, iron, carbohydrates and of course, Vitamins A & D. In fact, it has all the nutrients of white milk and about as much sweetener (corn starch) as unsweetened apple juice. I suppose that will be banned soon as well.

Normally, 11 grams sugar difference at 4 calories per gram equals about 44 calories, or less than 10 minutes on the playground. But since tag, the monkey-bars, dodge-ball are all now seemingly "dangerous," I guess the powers-that-be may have to decide how unimportant osteoporosis is when more pain pills (under forced Obamacare regulation, of course) are handed out (like candy?) for the afflicted masses when the calcium deprived kids grow old and become useless to the socialist state. Then of course, they'll have to die gracefully once they become statistics in the eyes of the Obamacare death panels.

What's next, the female administrators whipping them out and breast-feeding your kids to make sure they get the nutrition they deem adequate?


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