Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Narcissist in Chief Doesn't Like Being Interuppted When Lying to You

So President Obama tried to shove his typical B.S. down the throat of a local Texas reporter, Brad Watson, who would have none of it, Obama seemed to get a little peeved one of his media commandments were being broken. That is: Thall Shalt Not Interrupt The Great and Mighty Obama...even if he's lying through his teeth or spinning a lie to his political advantage.

Instead of the typical love affair with the media that Obama is used to with their softball questions and swallowing everything he says without question, the president had to deal with some actual questions he couldn't spin. When he tried that, Watson would immediately call him on it and Obama didn't like being challenged. The fact is Watson didn't cut off Obama, who attempted to blow smoke up his butt, he simply corrected the president when he tried to do so. The greatest leader of anything in the history of the world can't handle that.
The president didn't blow up or anything, but it's clear he didn't like being called on his fantasies.

At least they weren't on a plane or speeding bus.


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