Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Typically MSNBC Hosts Deny Bush Any Credit Whatsoever

This was to be expected. Hosts at The Mess NBC are on a Obama-loving tangent about the recent elimination of Osama bin Laden from this Earth, and rightfully so. However as is the usual flare for the unbelievably bias liberal network, hosts are giving the man who put all the pieces in place for a eventual successful capture or death of the al Qeada leader no credit at all. Even President Obama acknowledged President Bush's involvement in the killing of bin Laden, but not the likes of Lawrence O'Donnell, the perennially ignorant, uninformed and arrogant self-described socialist.

I could go on about how recent revelations inform us that certain "interrogation techniques" that were to have said didn't work (which was debunked almost as quickly as the allegations were made) did in fact extract valuable information as to the whereabouts of bin Laden. Bush put together the alliance of intelligence communities that worked diligently these past 10 years to get their man. Of course, the ultimate credit goes to Obama for allegedly making this the preeminent mission as his first term as president, if you believe that sentiment. Regardless, Team Obama got him and he deserves most of the credit. But there are other players in this game, namely the SEAL team members that carried out the mission, the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs, Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates as well as the former president.

And I can go on and whine like a lefty about how there's much to do on the War on Terror and how there will be another leader of al Qeada and there's no actual end in sight as this is and always has been a generational battle, but the primary target has been acquired and terminated. So I have to say, as even Bush would admit, this is "Mission Accomplished."


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