Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bin Laden Wasn’t Running Al Qaeda Anymore?

According to this story via NewBusters, it seems that Osama bin Laden was not the "real" leader of al Qeada at the time of his death at the hands of American Special Forces and moreover, he was a non-factor in terms of planning and running the terrorist organization. Ergo, was he irrelevant?

Exit question: Does this take away from President Obama's accomplishment of being the guy who "got" bin Laden? I mean if the left is so gung-ho on Obama because of the SEAL team's doing away with OBL and if it turns out he wasn't really the leader of al Qeada at that time (and as the story suggests that no one in al Qeada "took him serious" anymore, was it all for not? Does this reduce the grandiose party that the Dems are still relishing in? I don't think so. bin Laden the target was, as far as we knew (and more importantly, as far as the Pentagon knew) still the leader of al Qeada and his compound in Abbotsbad, Pakistan was still the "command center" everybody thought it was. So if the argument is made by the right that the killing of bin Laden was irrelevant, expect the left to say that if it was Bush's intel that found bin Laden, then it should have indicated that he was no longer in charge. For which an argument can be made...unfortunately.


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