Monday, June 06, 2011

Weiner Admits to Snapping Twitter Shots

Now, do I think Weiner should resign? No. He didn't send anything to any minors. Is he a creep? Well, I guess so. But who in Washington isn't? I don't like the guy; I think he actually is (and pardon me for using an all-too-easy joke) a weener, but does he deserve to be forced out of office, or resign? Not for this. There are worse crimes in the nation's capital than embarrassment and being a creep.
I would however, like to see the impossible. That is the media admitting they were wrong and that they emphatically defended a liar...and of course a creep.

But once again, just admit to it and people will forgive you and move on. How many times does this have to be said?

By the way, the master of seducing young women chimed in his opinion on the Weiner matter recently:


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