Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Obama Misleads the Press Corp about Tax Hike Support

By the way, that's pronounced "press core," not "corps."

Once again, somehow, for some reason, the current president of the United States has misled the press yet again and that same press took the B.S. and ran with it, totally oblivious (as usual) towards their own malfeasance as a Democrat propaganda machine.

What is it with the left and polls? Clearly not every poll is entirely accurate, while some never really have been and will continue that path with the Dems salivating over every twisted, biased outcome. That may be alright for people who don't pay all that much attention or who are totally oblivious themselves about politics, history and the modern media. But for someone as reportedly intelligent as Barack Obama, the President of the United States no less, cherry-picking data, or telling the ignorant or indifferent misleading information; isn't this the same kind of thing Bush was raked over the coals about concerning WMDs?

Ah. the Obamamedia. Is there anything they won't report about their Dear Leader? Other than his Jimmy Carter-like failures?


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